Serving Ministries
One of the really wonderful things about Christ Church is the participation of children and young adults in corporate worship. On Sundays the church services (8:30 and 10:30 a.m.) require four acolytes: crucifer/server, torchbearers, and sometimes Gospel Book bearer and banner bearer. Children 3rd grade and older, as well as adults can be trained to be an acolyte. If you and/or your child(ren) would like to serve as an acolyte, please call the church office at (540) 552-2411.

Administrative Support
We have a faithful group of volunteers who help with mailings, computer hard and software, sorting and more. If you would like to assist the Office Manager, please contact the church office.
Altar Guild

The Altar Guild of Christ Church provides practical support for the setting up all services - Sunday services, baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc. The work required to insure that the vessels are properly cleaned, the linens laundered, and the services correctly set provides an opportunity to be in touch with both the spiritual and practical aspects of the Church.
No special "talents" are required to be on Altar Guild. There are four teams of people who work one week per month, and the Guild is always in need of more members.

This ministry at Christ Church is made possible by the efforts of a number of parishioners who provide hospitality for many different parish events throughout the year. The following illustrates some of the ways the Hospitality group enriches the life of the parish:
Refreshments between Sunday morning services for Adult Forum and after 10:30 service as well as refreshments for Christian Education classes.​
Other special events, such as Parish Easter Breakfast, Funeral Receptions, Evensong Receptions, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner.
The Spring Fling Luncheon - an opportunity to share fellowship with co-workers and friends by inviting them to this homemade salads and desserts luncheon. It is held each year on the last Wednesday in April, Professionals' Day.
Canterbury Fellowship Wednesday night dinners are provided by parishioners.
Assistance with hospitality can range from making food for a reception, helping with set up/clean up of the event, to making the coffee/tea/lemonade for the Sunday receptions. It's a wonderful way to help the parish and get to know folks better.
Lectors & Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lectors read the Old Testament lesson, the Epistle and The Prayers of the People at both Rite I and Rite II. Lay Eucharistic Ministers administer the chalice under license from the Bishop. If you wish to become a Lector or Lay Eucharistic Minister contact the parish office.

We depend on our ushers and hope that you will consider becoming one. We invite young and old, gentlewomen and men.
Memorial Flowers

At Christ Church we have flowers on the altar every Sunday except during Advent and Lent. These flowers are given by individuals, usually as memorials or thanksgivings. Many people give flowers on the same Sunday each year, while others give flowers on only the one occasion.
At Christmas and Easter, the church is filled with flowers, which many people contribute.
There are often Sundays that no one has signed up for, so please call the church office if you wish to participate.